I’m an experienced software technical writer, with some forays into learning content and knowledge management.
I prefer a permanent, full-time role over contract or fixed-term roles, although I am open to the latter—it really depends on whether I might find the work engaging, meaningful, or the workplace good.
I do not mix freelancing or ‘side gigs’ with my full-time job. I’ve tried this in the past and had to let go of my one client. It just doesn’t work with my values and overall priorities in life.
I thrive in agile environments with a flexible and hybrid working policy.
For more information, please visit my LinkedIn.
Preferred tools
- Git: GitKraken / Git Bash
- Repository: GitHub / GitLab
- Collaboration: Jira / Confluence
- Authoring: Docs-as-code / Markdown / Git-based / OpenAPI / Redocly
- Methodology: Agile / kanban / scrum
Some questions you may have
- I am rarely actively looking for new opportunities. I am not the type to respond back with a ‘no thanks’, unless I feel like it’s the least I could do.
- No, you didn’t. I keep my LinkedIn connections few. My rule of thumb is if we’ve actively worked together, talked, socialised, and I still remember you a couple years on, then you are a part of my actual work network. I mean, why would we keep people we barely know or remember, right?
- I will have to say ‘no’, especially if you’re family or a friend. It’s not a question of time management or how minimal the commitment is. I love my time outside of my day job and learned the hard way not to make compromises in this area.
- If I know you personally, I’d be very happy to. Sometimes I may be busy and get back to you after a few days, though. I understand if you cannot wait.
- I consider this space to be personal, and invoke artistic licence in my written speech and choice of punctuation (good-bye, Oxford comma!) My English is already very rigid in official product documentation, so outside of that I very much let loose!
- Yes and no. I rely on a hosting provider, themes, resources and plugins provided by wonderful souls whom I attribute accordingly, custom CSS I copied from Stack Overflow, and things in-between. But how this entire site comes together is all my effort. I haven’t asked external help or hired someone to write, design, or plan my content.
- Most photos on this blog are my own, taken from my phone and sometimes edited via Lightroom. (I mostly just resize images on Paint / Preview / Lightroom).
- There are a few professional photos (including my photo on this page) scattered about, by the lovely Jaja Samaniego, Kelly Hoinville, as well as Chloe Gibbons. I have right to personal use.
- Stock photos are taken from Pexels under Creative Commons licence. That is, these photos were provided for free by other beautiful people, no attribution, linking, or acknowledgement required.